Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All trance tranquil transact transcend transcribe Transfer transfigure transfix transform transfuse transgress tranship transient transit translate translucent transmigrate transmit transmute transparent transpire transplant transport transpose transverse trap trapezium trapezoid trappings trash travail travel traverse tray treachery treacle tread treason treasure treat treatise treble tree trefoil trellis tremble tremendous trench trend trepidation trespass tress triad triangle tribe tribulation Tribunal tribute trice tricentenary trick trickle trident triduan triennial trifle trifoliate trigonometry trilateral triliteral trill trillion trim trinity trinket trinomial trio trip tripartite tripe triped triple tripod trisect trisyllable trite triturate triumph triumvirate trivial troll trolly troop trope trophy tropic trot troth trouble trough trounce troupe trow trowel trowsers truant truce truck truckle truculent trudge true trump trumpet truncate truncheon trundle trunk truss trust try tryst tub tube tuber tubercle tuck tuesday tuft tug tuition tumble tumbler tumid tumour tumult tune tunic tunnel turban turbid turbulent turf turgid turmeric turmoil turn turnip turpentine turpitude turquoise turret turtle tusk tussel tutelage tutelary tutenag tutor twaddle twain twang tweak tweezer twelve twenty twig twilight twin twine twinge twinkle twirl twist twit twitch twitter two tympanum type tyranny tyre tyro ubiquitous udder ugly ulcer ulterior ultimate ultra ultramarine umbilical umbra umbrage umbrella umpire un unaccustomed unaffected unanimous unarmed unassailable unassuming unavailing unawares unbar unbeliever unbend unbind unblemished unbosom unbounded unbridled unburden unceremonious uncertain unchain uncharitable unchaste Unclaimed uncle unclose unclothe uncloven uncommon uncompromising unconcern unconscionable unconscious uncontrolled uncouple uncouth uncover unction undeceive undecided undeniable under undergo underground underhand underlay underlie underline underling undermine underrate understand undertake underwood underworld undeserving undesigned undesigning undiminished undisguised undivided undo undress undulate unearth uneasy unequalled unerring uneven unexpected unfaithful unfasten unfathomable unfavourable unfeeling unfeigned unfit unfold unforeseen unfortunate unfounded unfruitful unfurl ungainly ungodly ungovernable ungrateful unguent unhappy unharmed unharness unhealthy unhinge unhurt unicorn uniform unimpeachable unimpeded unique unison Unit unite universe university univocal unkempt unkind unlace unlawful unlearn unless unlicensed unload unlock unloose unman unmask unmeaning unmoor unmoved unnatural unnecessary unnerve unpack unparalleled unprecedented unpretending unprincipled unravel unreal unrelenting unremitting unreserved unrest unrestrained unrivalled unroll unruly unsaddle unscrupulous unseal unsettle unshackle unsheathe unsightly unsophisticated unsound unspeakable unspotted unstable unsteady unstring unsuitable unswerving untenable untie until untimely unto untoward untwist unusual unvarnished unwholesome unwieldy unwittingly unworthy unyoke up upbraid uphold Upholsterer upkeep upland uplift upon upraise upright uproar uproot upset upshot upside upstart upward urban urchin urethra urge urine urn ursamajor usage use Usher usual usufruct usurp usury utensil uterus utility utmost utopian utter uvula uxorious vacant vaccinate vaccine vacillate vacuity vagabond vagary vagrant vague vain valediction valet valetudinarian valiant valid valise valley vallum valor Value valve vampire van vane vanish vanquish vantage vapid vapour variegate variola varlet varnish vary vascular vase vassal vast vat vaticinate vault vaunt veal veer vegetate vehement vehicle veil vein vellum velocity venal vend venerate venery venesection vengeance venial venison venom vent ventilate ventral ventricle ventriloquist venture venus veracious veranda verb verdant verdict verdigris verdure verge verify verily verisimilitude veritable vermes vermillion vermin vernacular vernal versatile verse versed version vertebra vertex vertical vertigo verve very vesicle vesper vessel | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP