Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सं-सरण   a see सं-√ सृ, col.2.
सं सरण
सं-सरण  n. bn. going about, walking or wandering through, [MBh.]
सं सरण
   passing through a succession of states, birth and rebirth of living beings, the world, [BhP.] ; [Sarvad.]
   the unobstructed march of an army, [L.]
   the commencement of war or battle, [L.]
   a highway, principal road, [L.]
   a resting-place for passengers near the gates of a city, [W.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
संसरण  n.  (-णं)
   1. going, proceeding in general.
   2. going well or un- obstructedly.
   3. The unresisted march of troops.
   4. The beginning of war or battle.
   5. A high-way, the principal road through a village or town.
   6. The world.
   7. birth, the production of living beings.
   8. A resting place for passengers near the gates of a city.
   E. सम् together, &c., सृ to go, aff. ल्युट् .

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