सृ (cf. √ सल्) cl. 1. 3. P. ([Dhātup. xxii, 37; xxv, 17] ) स॑रति (ep. also °ते and accord. to [Pāṇ. 7-3, 78] also धावति), and सि॑सर्ति (the latter base only in वेद; 3. du. सि॑स्रतुः, 3. pl. सि॑स्रते, [RV.] ; p. सि॑स्रत् [q.v. ] ib.; pf. ससा॑र, सस्रे॑, ib. &c.; 1. du. सस्रिव, [ŚBr.] ; p. ससृव॑स्, सस्राण॑ and ससृमाण॑, [RV.] ; aor. असार्षीत्Gr. ; Subj. सर्षत्, [AV.] ; Prec. स्रियात्Gr. ; fut. सर्ता, ib.; सरिष्य॑ति, [RV.] &c.; inf. सर्तुम्, [MBh.] &c.; स॑र्तवे, °तवै॑, [RV.] ; ind.p. सृत्वा॑, [Br.] ; -सृ॑त्य, -सा॑रम्, [Br.] &c.), to run, flow, speed, glide, move, go (with उच्चकैस्, ‘to spring up’; with वा॑जम्, or आजिम्, ‘to run a race’ i.e. ‘exert one's self’), [RV.] c. &c.; to blow (as wind), [Megh.] ; to run away, escape, [R.] ; [Mālav.] ; [BhP.] ; to run after, pursue (acc. ), [RV.] ; to go towards, betake one's self to (acc. or तत्र &c.), [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; to go against, attack, assail, [MBh.] ; to cross, traverse (acc. ), [R.] ; (Ā. ) to begin to flow (said of the fluid which surrounds the fetus), [AV.] : Pass. स्रियते (aor. असारि, [Br.] ), to be gone &c., Gr. : Caus. सारयति or cl. 10. P. ([Dhātup. xxxii, 107] ) to cause to run, [Nir.] ; to set in motion, strike (a lute), [Megh.] ; to remove, push aside (a braid of hair), ib.; put in array, to arrange (with द्यूतम्, ‘the men on a chess-board’), [Pañcad.] ; to make visible, show, manifest, [Viddh.] ; to nourish, foster (gen. ), [HPariś.] ; Ā. सारयते (for सर॑यते See सरय, p. 1182, col. 1), to cause one's self to be driven, drive (in a carriage), [ĀśvGṛ.] : pass. सार्यते, to be made to flow, discharge (excrement), [Suśr.] : Desid. सिसीर्षति, to wish to run (वाजम्, ‘a race’), [TS.] : Intens. (cf. सरिस्रर॑) स॑र्सृते (p. स॑र्स्राण See प्र-√ सृ) or सरीषर्ति, to stride backwards and forwards, [Kāv.] ; to blow violently (as the wind), ib. सृ [cf. Gk. ὁρμή, ὁρμάω; ἅλμα, ἅλλομαι; Lat. salire.]