वीत [vīta] p.p. p. p. p. [वि˚ इ-क्त]
Gone, disappeared.
Gone away, departed.
Let go, loosed, set free.
Excepted, exempt.
Approved, liked.
Unfit for war.
Tame, quiet.
Freed from, devoid of (mostly in comp.); वीतचिन्त, वीतस्पृह, वीतभी, वीतशङ्क &c.
Desired, wished for.
Put on or worn; शुचिवल्कवीततनुः
[Ki.6.] 31.
-तः An elephant or horse unfit or untrained for war.
-तम् Pricking (an elephant) with the goad and striking with the legs; वीतवीतभया नागाः
[Ku. 6.39] v. l. (see Malli. thereon); निर्धूतवीतमपि बालकमुल्ललन्तम्
[Śi.5.] 47. -Comp.
-दम्भ a. a. humble, lowly.
-भय a. a. fearless, intrepid; वीतवीतभया नागाः
[Ku.6.39] (v. l.). (-यः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
-मत्सर a. a. free from envy; नियतो वीत- मत्सरः
[Ms.11.111.] -मल a. a. pure.
-राग a.
free from desire.
free from passion, calm, tranquil.
(गः) a sage who has subdued his passions; विशन्ति यद्यतयो वीतरागाः
[Bg.8.11.] a deified Jaina saint.
-शोकः (= अशोकः) the Aśoka tree.
-सूत्रम् the sacred thread;
[V. 5.]