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Script: Latin


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लप्   1. (cf.रप्) cl. 1. P. ([Dhātup. x, 8] ) लपति (ep. also °ते and लप्यति; pf.ललाप, लेपुस्, [MBh.] &c.; aor.अलापीत्Gr.; fut.लपिता, ib.; लपिष्यति, [Br.] &c.; inf.लप्तुम्, [MBh.] ; लपितुम्, [Kāv.] ; ind.p.-लप्य, [MBh.] ),
to prate, chatter, talk (also of birds), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ;
to whisper, [Gīt.] ; [Pañcar.] ;
to wail, lament, weep, [Nalôd.] :
Caus.लापयति, °ते (aor.अलीलपत् or अललापत्Gr.), to cause to talk, [ChUp.] :
Intens.ला॑लपीति, to prate senselessly, [AV.] ; [Kāṭh.] ;
लालप्यते (mc. also °ति), to wail, lament, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [MārkP.] ;
to address repeatedly, [MBh.] , लालप्तिGr.<br>लप्   [cf.Gk.ὀ-λοφ-ύρομαι; perhaps Lat.lāmentum for लप्-मेन्तुम्.]<br>लप्   2. (ifc.) speaking, uttering (see अभिलापलप्).<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लप् [lap]   1 P. (लपति)<br>   To speak, talk in general.<br>   To prate, chatter.<br>   To whisper; कपोलतले मिलिता लपितुं किमपि श्रुतिमूले [Gīt.1.] <br>   To wail, lament. -Caus. (लाप- यति-ते) To cause to talk &c. With उद् to call out loudly to.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   r. 1st cl. (लपति) To speak, to utter.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With अनु prefixed.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   1. To talk like, to mimic.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   2. To repeat.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With अप, To deny. With आङ्, To address, to speak to.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With प्र, To talk incoherently. With प्रति, To gain, to get.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With वि, To lament, to bewail. With वि and प्र, To contradict, to dispute.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With सम्,<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   1. To converse, to discourse.<br>लप् (ऋ) लपृ   2. To be cunning or crafty.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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