भाष् 1.cl. 1. Ā. ([Dhātup. xvi, 11] ) भा॑षते (ep. also P. °ति; pf. बभाषे, [Br.] &c.; fut. भाषिष्यते or भाषिताGr. : aor. अभाषिषि, °ष्ठाः, °षत, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; inf. भाषितुम्, [Up.] ; भाष्टुम्, [MBh.] ; ind.p. भाषित्वा, -भाष्य, ib.), to speak, talk, say, tell (with acc, of thing or person, sometimes also with acc. of thing and person), [Br.] &c. &c.; to speak of or about or on (acc. ), [Kām.] ; to announce, declare, [Gobh.] ; to call, name, describe as (with two acc. ), [Mn.] ; [Śrutab.] ; to use or employ in speaking, [Nir.] ; [Suśr.] ; Pass. भाष्यते (aor. अभाषि), to be spoken, be addressed or spoken to, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.: Caus. भाषयति, °ते (aor. अबभाषत् or अबीभषत्, [Pāṇ. 7-4. 3] ), to cause to speak or talk, [MārkP.] ; to cause to speak i.e. to think, agitate, disquiet, [R.] ; to say, speak, [MBh.] : Desid. , बिभाषिषतेGr. : Intens. बभाष्यते, बाभाष्टि, ib., (sometimes confounded with भष्; cf. √ भण् and भास्). भाष् 2. (√ भष्), occurring only in रक्षो-भाष्q.v.