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   { muṣ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मुष्   1.cl. 1. P.मोषतिv.l. for √ मष्q.v.
मुष्   2.cl. 9. 1. P. (xxxi, 58 and xvii, 25">[Dhātup. xxxi, 58 and xvii, 25] v.l.; cf.1.मूष्) मुष्णा॑ति, मो॑षति (ep. also cl. 6. P.मुषति; 2. sg.Imp.मुषाण, [Śiś.] ; pf.मुमोष; aor.अमोषीत्, 2. sg.मोषीस्, [RV.] ; fut.मोषिता, मोषिष्यतिgr.; ind.p.मुषित्वा, [Daś.] ; [Kathās.] ; मु॑द्ष्य, [RV.] ; inf.मुषे॑, ib.; मोषितुम्gr.),
to steal, rob, plunder, carry off (also with two acc.= take away from, deprive of), [RV.] &c. &c.;
to ravish, captivate, enrapture (the eyes or the heart), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to blind, dazzle (the eyes), ib.;
to cloud, obscure (light or the intellect), ib.;
to break, destroy, [Kāvyâd.] (cf.मुस्) :
pass., मुष्यते (ep. also °ति; aor.अमोषि),
to be stolen or robbed, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.:
Caus., नोषयति (aor.अमूमुषत्) gr.:
Desid.मुमुषिषति, ib. (cf.मुनुषिषु) :
Intens.मोमुष्यते, मोमोष्टि, ib. [For kindred words see under 2. मू॑ष्, p.827.]
मुष्  mfn. 3.mfn. (ifc.; nom.मुट्), stealing, robbing, removing, destroying, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   surpassing, excelling, [Megh.] ; [Kād.] ; [Bālar.]
मुष्  f. f. stealing, theft, [MW.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मुष् [muṣ]   I. 9 P. (मुष्णाति, मुषित; desid. मुमुषिषति)
   (a) To steal, filch, rob, plunder, carry off (said to govern two acc.; देवदत्तं शतं मुष्णाति, but very rarely used in classical literature); मुषाण रत्नानि [Śi.1.51;3.38;] क्षत्रस्य मुष्णन् वसु जैत्रमोजः [Ki.3.41;] [Śi.3.38.] (b) To ravish, seduce, abduct, carry off; राघवस्यामुषः कान्ता- माप्तैरुक्तो न चार्पिपः [Bk.15.16.]
   To dispel, remove, drive off; घनतिमिरमुषि ज्योतिषि [Śi.4.67;] [Ratn.3.19.]
   (fig.) To ruin, undo; न वेत्सि मुषितमात्मानम् [K.164;] [Ratn.4.3.]
   To eclipse, cover, envelop, conceal; सैन्यरेणुमुषितार्कदीधितिः [R.11.51.]
   To captivate, enrapture, ravish; व्रीडास्फुटस्मितविसृष्टकटाक्षमुष्टः [Bhāg.8.12.22.]
   To surpass, excel; मुष्णञ् श्रियमशोकानां रक्तैः परिजनाम्बरैः । गीतैर्वराङ्गनानां च कोकिलभ्रमरध्वनिम् ॥ [Ks.55.113;] [Ratn.1.24;] [Bk.9.92;] [Me.49.]
   To deceive; मुषितोऽस्मि महात्मभिः [Bhāg.1.13.26.] -ii. 1 P. (मोषति)
   To hurt, injure, kill. -III.4 P. (मुष्यति)
   To steal.
   To break, destroy.
मुष् [muṣ]   1 stealing, removing, destroying.
   surpassing, excelling.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मुष्   r. 1st cl. (मोषति) To injure, to kill.
   r. 9th cl. (मुष्णाति)
   1. To steal, to rub, to plunder.
   2. To captivate.
   3. To surpass.
   r. 4th cl. (मुष्यति)
   1. To cut, to divide, to break.
   2. To steal.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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