मही f. af. See मही॑, p. 803, col. 2. मही f. 1.f. (cf. 2.म॑ह्), ‘the great world’, the earth (cf. उर्वी, पृथिवी), [RV.] &c. &c. (in later language also = ground, soil, land, country) earth (as a substance), [Mn. vii, 70] the base of a triangle or other plane figure, [Col.] space, [RV. iii, 56, 2; v, 44, 6 &c.] a host, army, ib. iii, 1, 12; vii, 93, 5 &c. a cow, [RV.] ; [VS.] ([Naigh. ii, 11] ) du. heaven and earth, [RV. i, 80, 11; 159, 1 &c.] ([Naigh. iii, 30] ) pl. waters, streams, [RV. ii.11, 2;v, 45, 3&c.] Hingtsha Repens, [L.] a kind of metre, [Col.] N. of a divine being (associated with इडा and सरस्वती, [RV. i, 13, 9] ; [Sāy.] ; cf. [Naigh. i, 11] ) of a river, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] of the number ‘one’ [Gaṇit.] मही 2. in comp. for मह. मही bमही-कम्प &c. See p. 803, col. 2.