Dictionaries | References


   { praṇādḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र-°णाद  m. m. a loud sound or noise (esp. expressive of approbation or delight), shout, cry, roar, yell, neigh &c., [MBh.] ; [R.]
प्र °णाद
   a murmur or sigh of rapture, [W.]
   noise or buzzing in the ear (from thickening of the membranes &c.), [Suśr.]
   N. of a चक्र-वर्तिन्, [Divyâv.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रणादः [praṇādḥ]   1 A loud noise, shout, cry; यियासतस्तस्य मही- ध्ररन्ध्रभिदापटीयान्पटहप्रणादः [Śi.3.24.]
   roaring, a roar.
   neighing, braying.
   A murmur of rapture; a burst of applause; huzza.
   A cry for help.
   A particular disease of the ear (a buzzing sound in the ear).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रणाद  m.  (-दः)
   1. A loud noise, especially expressing approbation or delight, a huzza, a shout.
   2. A low sound expressive of great pleasure, a murmur or sigh of rapture.
   3. A cry for help.
   4. neighing, bringing.
   5. A disease of the ear, a noise or buzzing in the ear from thickening of the membranes, &c.
   E. प्र much, and नाद sound.

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