ब्राह्म mfn. amf(ई)n. (fr. ब्रह्मन्, for which it is also the वृद्धि form in comp. ) relating to ब्रह्म or ब्रह्मा, holy, sacred, divine, [AV.] &c. &c. relating to sacred knowledge, prescribed by the वेद, scriptural, [Mn. ii, 150 &c.] तीर्थ n. sacred to the वेद (with or scil. n. the part of the hand situated at the root of the thumb), ii, 59 &c. निधि m. relating or belonging to the Brāhmans or the sacerdotal class peculiar or favourable to or consisting of Brāhmans Brahmanical, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. (with m. money bestowed on the sacerdotal class, [Mn. vii, 89] ) belonging to an inhabitant of ब्रह्मा's world, [Jātakam.] ब्राह्म m. m. (with or scil. विवाह) N. of a form of marriage (in which the bride is bestowed on the bridegroom without requiring anything from him), [Mn. iii, 21 &c.] N. of a man (son of कृष्ण and father of महेश्वर), [Cat.] patr. of नारद, [L.] of कवि, [MBh.] of Ūrdhva-nābhan and रक्षो-हन्, [RAnukr.] ब्राह्म n. n. sacred study, study of the वेद, [BhP.] तीर्थ (with or scil. ) See above. ब्राह्म bब्राह्मण &c. See p.741.