Dictionaries | References प प्रक्रम { prakramḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रक्रम A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | प्र-°क्रम f. m. (ifc.f(आ). ) stepping, proceeding, [L.] <br> ROOTS:प्र °क्रम a step, stride, pace (also as a measure of distance, the length of which is variously stated at 2 or 3 or 3 1/2 पदs, also at more or less), [Br.] ; [GṛŚrS.] <br> commencement, beginning, procedure, course, KātyŚr.; [Mālatīm.] ; [Prab.] ; [Kathās.] <br> leisure, opportunity, [L.] <br> relation, proportion, degree, measure, [Vedântas.] <br>-भङ्ग method, order, regularity (esp in the position of words and in gram. construction; cf.)<br> ROOTS: भङ्गक्रम-पाठ the reading of the क्रम (= q.v.), [Pat.] <br> ROOTS:क्रम पाठ discussing any point in question<br> the case in qu°, [MW.] <br> (pl.) a series of oblations corresponding to the movements of a sacrificial horse, [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रक्रम The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | प्रक्रमः [prakramḥ] 1 A step, stride.<br> A pace considered as a measure of distance.<br> commencement, beginning.<br> (a) stepping forward, proceeding. (b) procedure, course; कोऽयं विधेः प्रक्रमः [Māl.5.24.] <br> The case in question.<br> leisure, opportunity.<br> regularity, order, method.<br> degree, proportion, measure.<br> The reading of the Kramapāṭha.<br> discussing any point in question. -Comp.<br>-तृतीयम् the third of a square pace.<br>-भङ्गः want of symmetry of regularity, the breaking of arrangement, regarded as a fault of composition. (it is the same as भग्नप्रक्रमता mentioned in [K. P.7,] the break of symmetry being either in expresion or construction; नाथे निशाया नियतेर्नियोगादस्तं गते हन्त निशापि याता is an instance of the former, where गता निशापि would relieve the irregularity of expression; and विश्रब्धं क्रियतां वराहततिभिर्मुस्ताक्षतिः पल्वले is an instance of the latter, where the symmetry of the verse requires the active instead of the passive construction, and the fault may be removed by reading the line as विश्रब्धा रचयन्तु शूकरवरा मुस्ताक्षतिं पल्वले; see K. P.7 under भग्नप्रक्रमता for further datails.<br>-निरुद्ध a. a. stopped in the beginning.<br> Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 प्रक्रम Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | प्रक्रम m. (-मः)<br> 1. proceeding, going.<br> 2. leisure, opportunity.<br> 3. begin- ning.<br> 4. surpassing, overcoming.<br> 5. A step, a stride.<br> 6. A place considered as a measure of distance.<br> 7. proportion, order, method.<br> E. प्र first, क्रम् to go, aff. अच् .<br> ROOTS:प्र क्रम् अच् . Related Words प्रक्रम superposed process linear process accumulated process furry process harmonic process wiener process yule process separable process skip free process regenerative process renewal process replacement process equivalent process ergodic process explosive process extremal process homogeneous process honest process imbedded process input process orthogonal process oscilllatory process output process periodic process autoregressive process bachelier process stable process birth process cascade process markov process measurable process dishonest process dual process dummy process jump process kesten's process laurent process multiple phase process multivariate processes counting process death process departure process deterministic process point processes poisson process polya process competition process conservative process multilinear process backward process additive (random walk) process age dependent birth and death process age dependent branching process almost surely continuous process alternating renewal process fundamental random process galton-watson process generalised brownian motion process generalised brownian process general renewal process wold's markov process of intervals semi-markov process semi-stationary process separable brownian motion process pure death process pure random process random impulse process regular markov renewal process robbins-munro process hierarchical birth and death process input-output process bellman-harris process spatial point process standard brownian motion process stationary process stochasticlly continuous process strictly periodic natural process strictly stationary process temporally continuous process birth and death process birth, death and immigration process branching renewal process brownian motion process markov renewal process disturbed harmonic process divergent birth process doubly stochastic poisson process dynamic stachastic process keifer-wolfowiz process moving-summation process multiple markov process multiple poisson process continuity of additive process continuity of separable process crypto-deterministic process cumulative process poisson clustering process poisson-markov process cluster (point) process Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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