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   { pīluḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पीलु  m. m. (cf.38 Sch.">[Uṇ. i, 38] Sch.) a species of tree (Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica, [L.] ), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
   a group of palm trees or the stem of the palm, [L.]
   a flower, [L.]
   the blossoms of Saccharum Sara, [L.]
अस्थि-खन्द   a piece of bone (), [L.]
   an arrow, [L.]
   a worm, [L.]
   an atom, [Sarvad.]
   an elephant (cf. Aribic فيل, persian پيل), [L.]
पीलु  n. n. the fruit of the पिलु tree, [AV.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पीलुः [pīluḥ]   [पील्-उ]
   An arrow.
   An atom; प्रत्यक्षं न पुनाति नापहरते पापानि पीलुच्छटा [Viś. Guṇa.552.]
   An insect.
   An elephant.
   The stem of the palm.
   A flower.
   A group of palm trees; [Mb.7.178.24.]
   A kind of tree.
   A heap of bones.
   The central part of the hand.
-लु  n. n. The fruit of the Pīlu tree. -Comp.
-पत्रः   the Mūrvā plant.
   पर्णी a kind of drug.
  N. N. of two plants.
-पाकवादिन्  m. m. a Vaiśeṣika. (one who maintains the doctrine that heat acts only onthe atoms of matter, as of a jar, and not on the whole body.)


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पीलु  m.  (-लुः)
   1. The name of a tree, applied in some places to the Careya arborea, and in others to the Salvadora persica; it is very commonly assigned also to all exotic, and unknown trees. 2. An elephant.
   3. An arrow.
   4. A flower.
   5. The blossom of the Saccharum sara.
   6. An atom.
   7. An insect.
   8. The metacarpus, the central part of the hand.
   9. The stem of the palm tree.
   E. पील् to stop, aff. उ; also
   with कन् added, पीलुक.

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