नैमित्तिक [naimittika] a. a. (-की f.)
Produced by, connected with, or dependent on, any particular cause.
Unusual, occasional, accidental, produced by some cause (opp. नित्य).
-कः An astrologer, prophet.
कम् An effect (opp. निमित्त 'cause'); निमित्तनैमित्तिकयोरयं क्रमः
[Ś.7.3.] An occasional rite, a periodical ceremony, a conditional act, an act which is to be performed on the occurrence of a निमित्त ; निमित्तप्राप्तौ च नैमित्तिकं कर्तव्यम् ŚB. on
[MS.12.1.18.] -Comp.
-कर्मन्, n. n.,)
-क्रिया an occasional or periodical ceremony or rite.
-लयः N. N. of a ब्राह्मलय occurring at the end of four thousand years,-श्राद्धम् a special funeral rite.