To thicken or become inspissate--liquid substances: also to become closer, firmer, more solid--as boiling rice, sago &c. 2 To crowd, throng, press or squeeze together. 3 To pinch or be tight--a garment: to go hard; to stick fast; to be tight-compressed--a plug, peg &c. driven in. 4 fig. To be oppressed; to suffocate or choke;--used of गळा or हृदय under any vehement emotion: also to be full, intense, oppressive, choking;--used of the emotion--of affection, sorrow, rage &c. 5 To be filled with; to be thickly pervaded by;--as a house with smoke: also to fill or pervade. Ex. धुरानें घर दाटलें or घरीं धूर दाटला.