Dictionaries | References द दन्त { dantḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दन्त हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : दाँत, दाँत Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दन्त नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | see : दाँत Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दन्त A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | दन्त f. m. (fr. &) = द॑त्, vi, 75, 11">[RV. vi, 75, 11] ; [AV.] &c. (n., vi, 82, 28">[R. vi, 82, 28] ; ifc., f(आ). [[Kathās. xxi] ; [Caurap.] ] or f(ई). [[MBh. ix] ; [Mṛcch. x, 13] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Ghaṭ.] ] [Pāṇ. 4-1, 55] ) the number 32 [Gaṇit.] an elephant's tusk, ivory, ---11--- ; ---12--- &c.अथरी the point (of an arrow? ), iv, 6, 8">---13--- the peak or ridge of a mountain, iv, 32">[Haravij. iv, 32] ; vii, 32">[Dharmaśarm. vii, 32] an arbour, iv, 40">[Śiś. iv, 40] a pin used in playing a lute, [Haravij. i, 9] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दन्त The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | दन्तः [dantḥ] [दम्-तन् [Uṇ.3.86] ] A tooth, tusk, fang (as of serpents, beasts &c.); वदसि यदि किञ्चिदपि दन्तरुचिकौमुदी हरति दरतिमिरमतिघोरम् [Gīt.1;] सर्पदन्त, वराह˚ &c. An elephant's tusk, ivory; ˚पाञ्चालिका [Māl.1.5.] The point of an arrow. The peak of a mountain. The side or ridge of a mountain. The number thirty-two. A bower, an arbour (कुञ्ज); 'दन्तो निकुञ्जे दशने' इति विश्वः [Śi.4.4.] -Comp.-अग्रम् the point of a tooth.-अन्तरम् the space between the teeth.-अरुणः an elephant in the ninth year; [Mātaṅga. L.5.1.] -अर्बुदः, -दम् gumboil. आघातः a bite. the citron tree.-आयुधः a hog.-आलयः the month.-आलिका, -आली a horse's bridle; दन्तालिकाधरणनिश्चलपाणियुग्मम् [Śi.5.56.] -उच्छिष्टम् the remains of food lodged between the teeth.-उद्भेदः dentition.-उलूखलिकः, -खलिन् m. m. one who uses his teeth for a mortar, (grinding grain to be eaten between his teeth), an anchorite; cf. [Ms.6.17;] [Rām.3.6;] [Mb.13.141.14.] -कर्षणः a lime of citron tree.-कारः an artist who works in ivory; [Rām.2.83.13.] -काष्ठम् a piece of stick or twig used as a tooth-brush.-कीलः a kind of tooth-like joinery; [Māna.17.177.] -कूरः fight (कूरमन्नं दन्ताः क्रोधावेशात् कूरवच्चर्व्यन्तेऽस्मिन्निति सङ्ग्रामः Com. of नीलकण्ठ); माद्रीपुत्रः सहदेवः कलिङ्गान् समागतानजयद् दन्तकूरे ---11--- -ग्राहिन् a. a. injuring the teeth, causing them to decay.-घर्षः chattering or grinding the teeth.-घातः a bite.-चालः looseness of the teeth.-छदः a lip; वारंवारमुदारशीत्कृतकृतो दन्तच्छदान् पीडयन् ---12--- ---13--- 12.-जन्मन् n. n. growth of the teeth; आदन्तजन्मनः [Y.3.23] -जात a. (a child) that is teething; [Ms.5.58.] -जाहम् the root of a tooth. वेष्टः the gums; [Y.3.96.] a ring round the tusk of an elephant; [Mb.7.9.19.] a tumor of the gums.-वैदर्भः loosening of the teeth through external injury.-व्यसनम् fracture of the teeth.-व्यापारः ivory work; [K.] -शङ्कुः a pair of pincers for drawing out teeth.-शठ a. a. sour, acid. (ठः) sourness, acidity. N. N. of several trees with acid fruit like the citron, tamarind, wood-apple.-शर्करा tartar of the teeth.-शाणः a kind of tooth-powder, dentifrice. शिरा a back or double tooth. the gum-शूलः, -लम् tooth-ache.-शोधनिः f. f. a tooth-pick.-शोफः swelling of s.-संघर्षः gnashing or rubbing together the teeth.-हर्षः morbid sensitiveness of the teeth (as when they are set on edge).-हर्षकः the citron tree. धावः, धावनम् cleaning or washing the teeth; अभ्यङ्गोन्मर्दनादर्शदन्तधावाभिषेचनम् [Bhāg.11.] 27.35. a tooth-brush. (नः) the Bakula tree. the Khadira tree.-पत्रम् a sort of ear-ornament; विलासिनीविभ्रमदन्तपत्रम् [R.6.17;] [Ku.7.23;] (often used in Kādambarī). den. दन्तपत्रति = represents the earring (दन्तपत्र); पाण्डुच्छत्रति दन्तपत्रति वियल्लक्ष्मीकुरङ्गीदृशः [P. R.7.62.] -पत्रकम् an ear-ornament. a Kunda flower. पत्रिका an ear-ornament. विदग्धलीलोचितदन्त- पत्रिका [Śi.1.6.] Kunda. a comb; [Mb.1.3.157] com. पवनम् a tooth-brush. cleaning or washing the teeth.-पाञ्चालिका an ivory doll; स्तन्यत्यागात्प्रभृति सुमुखी दन्तपाञ्चालिकेव क्रीडायोगं तदनु विनयं प्रापिता वर्धिता च [Māl.1.5.] -पातः the falling out of the teeth; [Bṛi. S.66.5.] -पालिः f. f. an ivory hilt (of a sword). पाली the point of a tooth. the gums; [Bṛi. S.68.97.] -पुप्पुटः, -टकः gum-boil. पुष्पम् the Kunda flower. fruit of the clearingnut plant (कतकफल).-प्रक्षालनम् washing the teeth.-प्रवेष्टम् sheath of an elephant's tusk; ---28--- ऊर्ध्वार्धासिच्छिन्नदन्तप्रवेष्टम् [Śi.18.47.] -फलः the wood-apple tree. (-ला) long pepper.-बीजः, बीजकः pomegranate. भागः the fore-part of an elephant's head (where the tusks appear). part of a tooth.-मलम्,-रजस् n. n. the tartar of the teeth.-मांसम्, -मूलम्, gums.-मूलीयाः (pl.) the dental letters, viz.-लृ, त्, थ्, द्, ध्, न्, ल्, and स्.-रोगः tooth-ache.-लेखकः one who earns his bread by painting or marking the teeth.-वर्ण a. a. brilliant.-वल्कम् the enamel of the teeth.-वस्त्रम्, -वासस् n. n. the lip; तुलां यदारोहति दन्तवाससा [Ku.5.34;] [Śi.1.86.] -वीजः, -वीजकः the pomegranate tree. वीणा a kind of musical instrument or harp. chattering of the teeth; दन्तवीणां वादयन् ---32--- Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 दन्त Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | दन्त m. (-न्तः) 1. A tooth. 2. The peak of a mountain. 3. The side or ridge of a mountain. 4. An arbour. 5. ivory, elephant's tooth. f. (-न्ती) A medicinal plant, commonly known by the same name Dan- ti, (croton polyandrum.) E. दम् to subdue, तन् Unadi aff. 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