घर्म m. m. (√ 2.घृ) heat, warmth (of the sun or of fire), sunshine, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c. the hot season, [R. i, 63, 24] ; [Ragh. xvi, 43] ; [VarBṛS.] internal heat, [R. ii, 75, 45] (v.l. ) perspiration, [L.] day (opposed to night), [Jyot.] (YV) 9 a cauldron, boiler, esp. the vessel in which the milk-offering to the अश्विन्s is boiled, [RV.] ; [AV. vii] ; [VS. viii, 61] ; [AitBr. i] ; [ŚBr. xiv] ; [Lāṭy.] a cavity in the earth shaped like a cauldron (from which अत्रि was rescued by the अश्विन्s; ‘heat’ [Gmn.] ), [RV.] hot milk or any other hot beverage offered as an oblation (esp. to the अश्विन्s), [RV.] ; [AV. iv, 1, 2] ; [VS. xxxviii] ; [ŚBr. iv, xiv] ; KātyŚr.; [ĀśvŚr.] N. of तापस (author of [RV. x, 114] ) of सौर्य (author of 181, 3) of a son of अनु (father of घृत), [Hariv. 1840] (v.l. ) घर्म [cf. θερμός, θέρμη; Lat. formus; Zd. garĕma; Goth. varmya; Germ. warm.]