Dictionaries | References


   { sthāvara }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 adjective  एके सुवाते वयल्यान दुसरे सुवातेर व्हरपाक वा हालोवपाक मेळना अशी (मालमत्ता)   Ex. ताणें आपली सगली स्थावर मालमत्ता विकली
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
   see : स्थीर


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   immovable property: also property which ought not to be alienated.
   That has not the power of motion; fixed, stationary, not locomotive. 2 immovable, fixed to the spot, that cannot be or must not be removed;--as a field, a house, an estate, family jewels or other items of property which have been long in the family.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 


 वि.  अचल , निश्चल , स्थिर . हलण्यास अशक्य .


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 


  न. १ न हालविताम येणारी मालमत्ता , घर वगैरे स्थिर संपत्ति . [ सं .] - वि . अचल ; न हालणारें ; स्थिर ; खिळलेलें ; निश्चल ; हालविण्यास अशक्य .
०इस्टेट   जिंदगी --- स्त्री . शेतीवाडी , घरवाडा , बागाबगीचा इ० मालमत्ता .
०जंगम वि.  हालणारें व न हालणारें ; स्थिरचर .
०प्रतिष्ठा  स्त्री. स्थिरप्रतिष्ठा पहा .
०विष  न. खनिज किंवा वनस्पतीचें विष , याचे उलट प्राणिज विष . स्थावरणें अक्री . १ स्थिर , कायम राहणें , आधार , पाया , आश्रय मिळविणें . २ गेलेली पत , शक्ति परत मिळविणें .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थावर  mfn. amf(आ॑)n. standing still, not moving, fixed, stationary, stable, immovable (opposed to.">opp. to जङ्गमq.v.), [TS.] &c. &c.
   firm, constant, permanent, invariable, [Āpast.] ; [R.] ; [Hariv.]
   regular, established, [W.]
   vegetable, belonging to the veg° world, [Suśr.]
   relating to immovable property, [Yājñ.] Sch.
स्थावर  m. m. a mountain (cf.-राज), [Bhag.] ; [Kum.]
स्थावर  n. n. any stationary or inanimate object (as a plant, mineral &c.; these form the seventh creation of ब्रह्मा see under सर्ग), [Up.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
स्थिर-त्व   stability, permanence (v.l.), [Subh.]
   immovable property, real estate (such as land or houses), [Yājñ.]
   a heir-loom, family-possession (such as jewels &c., which have been long preserved in a family and ought not to be sold), [W.]
   a bow-string, [L.]
स्थावर   b &c. see p. 1264, col. 1.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थावर [sthāvara] a.  a. [स्था-वरच्]
   fixed to one spot, stable, stationary, immoveable, inanimate (opp. जङ्गम); शरी- रिणां स्थावरजङ्गमानां सुखाय तज्जन्मदिनं बभूव [Ku.1.23;6.67,] 73.
   inert, inactive, slow.
   regular, established.-रः A mountain; स्थावराणां हिमालयः [Bg.1.25.]
   रम् any stationary or inanimate object (such as clay, stones, trees &c. which formed the seventh creation of brahman; cf. [Ms.1.41] ); मान्यः स मे स्थावरजङ्गमानां सर्गस्थितिप्रत्यवहारहेतुः [R.2.44;] [Ku.6.58.]
   A bowstring.
   immoveable property, real estate.
   A heir-loom.
   A large body; (fig.) a gross or material body (स्थूलशरीर); गमनं निरपेक्षश्च पश्चादनवलोकयन् । ऋजुः प्रणिहितो गच्छंस्त्रसस्थावरवर्जकः [Mb.12.9.19.]
   Comp. अस्थावरम्, जङ्गमम् moveable and immoveable propery.
   animate and inanimate things. -आत्मन्a. of immoveable form; स्थाने त्वां स्थावरात्मानं विष्णुमाहुस्त- थाहि ते [Ku.6.67.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थावर  mfn.  (-रः-रा-रं)
   1. fixed, stationary, stable, immovable, (as opposed to जङ्गम.)
   2. regular, established.
   3. inactive, slow, inert. m. (-रः) A mountain.
  n.  (-रं)
   1. A bow-string.
   2. immovable property, land or houses.
   3. family property, jewels, &c., which have been long in a family, and which ought not to be sold or given away.
   4. any stationary or inanimate object, (considered to be the seventh creation of BRAHMĀ.)
   5. A heir-loom.
   E. ष्ठा to stand, वरच् aff.
ष्ठा वरच्


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 adjective  यः एकस्मात् स्थानात् अन्यत्र नेतुं न शक्यते।   Ex. तेन सर्वा स्थावरा सम्पत्तिः विक्रीता।
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
   see : अचर

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