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   { pauṇḍrakḥ, pauṇḍraka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   (Pauṇḍrakavāsudeva). A king of ancient Kārūṣa. once he sent a messenger to Dvārakā and told Kṛṣṇa thus: “Oh Kṛṣṇa, I am the real Vāsudeva. therefore put down all your royal emblems and robes and come and worship at my feet.” As soon as Kṛṣṇa heard it he got angry and moved to Kārūṣa with a large army and killed Pauṇḍrakavāsudeva. 10th Skandha, Bhāgavata).
PAUṆḌRAKA I   A son of Nikumbha. When during the Rāma-Rāvaṇa battle Nikumbha died, his son Pauṇḍraka took up the fight against Rāma and was killed. [Ānanda Rāmāyaṇa] .
PAUṆḌRAKA III   The name of the buffalo which is the vehicle of yama (chapter 9, Vāmana Purāna).


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पौण्ड्रक  m. m. the pale straw-coloured species of sugar-cane, [Bhpr.]
   a prince or (pl.) the people of the पौण्ड्रs, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Pur.]
   N. of a partic. mixed caste of hereditary sugar-boilers (the son of a वैश्य by a woman of the distiller class, regarded as one of the degraded races of क्षत्रियs), [Mn. x, 44]
पौण्ड्रक  mfn. n. (as mfn.ifc.) a sectarian mark, [BhP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पौण्ड्रकः [pauṇḍrakḥ]   1 A kind of sugar-cane.
   A mixed caste (of sugar-boilers); cf. [Ms.1.44.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पौण्ड्रक  m.  (-कः)
   1. The pale straw-coloured species of sugar-cane. 2. A man of a mixed caste, from the vaisya and female of the distiller caste, whose business it is to boil sugar.
   E. कन् added to पौण्ड्र .

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