SUDAKṢIṆA II. A king of Kāmboja (Kabul). The following information is taken from Mahābhārata about this king. (i) Sudakṣiṇa had been present at the Svayaṁvara marriage of Draupadī. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 15] . (ii) He came with an akṣauhiṇī of army to help Duryodhana against the Pāṇḍavas in the battle of Bhārata. [M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 19, Verse 21] . (iii) Sudakṣiṇa was a valiant fighter in the army of the Kauravas. [M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 160, Verse 1] . (iv) On the first day of the battle of Bhārata. there was a combat between Śrutakarmā and Sudakṣiṇa. [M.B. Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 66] . (v) There was another combat between Abhimanyu and Sudakṣiṇa. [M.B. Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 66] . (vi) Arjuna killed Sudakṣiṇa in the battle of Bhārata. [M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 92, Verse 61] . (vii) The younger brother of Sudakṣiṇa confronted Arjuna to avenge the death of his brother and was killed by Arjuna. [M.B. Karṇa Parva, Chapter 56, Verse 110] . SUDAKṢIṆA 1 The son of king Pauṇḍraka. Śrī- Kṛṣṇa killed Pauṇḍraka in battle and his head, cut off by Śrī Kṛṣṇa, fell in the country of Kāśī. Sudakṣiṇa who learned about the death of his father, went to Kāśī and recognized the head by the ear-rings. Sudakṣiṇa made up his mind to kill Śrī Kṛṣṇa somehow or other and began to do penance in Kāśī before Śiva. Pleased with his penance Śiva appeared before him and advised him to create a wicked fairy from the fire of sorcery. Accordingly Sudakṣiṇa prepared a fire of sorcery, from which a wicked fairy came out and ran towards Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Śrī Kṛṣṇa sent his weapon the Discus which cut off the head of the wicked fairy and from there the Discus flew to Kāśi and turned Sudakṣiṇa to ashes, and returned to Dvārakā. [Bhāgavata, Skandha 10] . SUDAKṢIṆA III A warrior who fought on the side of the Pāṇḍavas. Droṇācārya shot him down from the chariot with an arrow. [M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 21, Verse 56] .