आ-√ ख्या 1.P. (impf. -अख्यत्) to behold, iv, 2, 18">[RV. iv, 2, 18] ; ( fut. p. -ख्यास्य॑त्; perf. 3. pl. -चख्युः) to tell, communicate, inform, declare, announce, xiii, xiv">[ŚBr. xiii, xiv] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to call (with two acc. ), [Ragh. x, 22] : pass. -ख्यायते, to be named or enumerated, [ŚBr.] ; to be called, [ŚBr. x, xiv] : Caus. P. (2. sg. -ख्यापयसि) to make known, declare, [MBh. i, 7485] : Ā. ( pot. -ख्यापयेत) to cause to tell, [AitBr.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] आ-ख्या f. 2.f. (end of a compound.*">ifc. f(आ). , [Kathās.] ; [Sāṃkhyak.] ) appellation, name, ---12--- ; [Pāṇ.] ; vii, 157, &c.">[Mn. vii, 157, &c.] -संख्या (= ) total amount, ii, 134">[Mn. ii, 134] ; iii, 12831">[MBh. iii, 12831] (cf. [Hariv. 515] ), xv, 671"> and xv, 671 appearance, aspect, vii, 60, 12">---18---