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   { avadhūteśvara }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
AVADHŪTEŚVARA   An incarnation of Śiva. once indra and Bṛhaspati went to Kailāsa to do homage to Śiva who clad in air only hindered their way. indra requested that person to get out of the way. he requested repeatedly several times but in vain. indra who got angry took his weapon of vajra. But Śiva froze it. moreover fire emanated from his eye on the forehead. At the request of Bṛhaspati Śiva turned the fire from his eye towards Lavaṇa Samudra (the sea of salt). Jalandhara who was killed by Śiva had his origin in this fire. [Śiva Purāṇa] .


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