Dictionaries | References


   { avagrahḥ }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  अवग्राह


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   avagraha or avagrāha m S stoppage or suspension of rain.


   थांबणें ; विराम .
   पाऊस पडावयाचा थांबणें ; अनावृष्टि ; अवर्षण .
   परिच्छेद .
   संधि झाला असतां व पुढच्या शब्दाच्या आरंभीं अ असतां त्याचा लोप करुन त्या ऐवजीं जें चिन्ह ( ऽ ) लिहितात तें . [ सं . अव + ग्रह ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अव-ग्रह  m. m. separation of the component parts of a compound, or of the stem and certain suffixes and terminations (occurring in the पद text of the वेदs), [Prāt.] &c.
   the mark or the interval of such a separation, [Prāt.]
   the syllable or letter after which the separation occurs, [VPrāt.] ; [Pāṇ. 8-4, 26] , the chief member of a word so separated, [Prāt.]
   obstacle, impediment, restraint, [PBr.] &c.
   mark of the elision of an initial
वर्ष प्रतिबन्ध   (= , [Pāṇ. 3-3, 51] ) drought, [Ragh.] ; [Kathās.]
   nature, original temperament, [L.]
   perception with the senses’, a form of knowledge, ---10---
   an imprecation or term of abuse, [L.]
   an elephant's forehead, [L.]
   a herd of elephants, [L.]
   an iron hook with which elephants are driven, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवग्रहः [avagrahḥ]   1 separation of the component parts of a compound, or of other grammatical forms.
   The mark or interval of such a separation; समासेऽवग्रहो ह्रस्वसमकालः.
   The syllable or letter after which such separation occurs, छन्दस्यृदवग्रहात् [P.VIII.4.26.]
   A hiatus, absence of sandhi (as in धिक् तां च तं च मदनं च इमां च मांinstead of चेमां च) [Bh.2.2.]
   The mark (ऽ) used to mark the elision of अ after ए and ओ.
   withholding of rain, drought, failure of rain; वृष्टि- र्भवति शस्यानामवग्रहविशोषिणाम् [R.1.62;] रावणावग्रहक्लान्तमिति वागमृतेन सः 1.48; नभोनभस्ययोर्वृष्टिमवग्रह इवान्तरे 12.29; वृषेव सीतां तदवग्रहक्षताम् [Ku.5.61.]
   An obstacle, impediment, hindrance, restraint; संसार˚ Māl.1 the bonds of fetters of worldly existence; प्रसह्य रक्षोभिरवग्रहं च Rām.; see अनवग्रह and निरवग्रह.
   A herd of elephants
   The forehead of an elephant; A part of the elephant's face, the flat level place in the middle of the elephant's forehead which joins the lower parts of the two Kumbhas; [Mātaṅga L.5.6.]
   nature, original temperament.
   A sort of knowledge, a false idea.
   punishment (opp. अनुग्रह); अनुग्रहावग्र- हयोर्विधाता [Śi.1.71.]
   An imprecation, a term of abuse.
   An iron hook with which elephants are driven.
   obstinate insistance; obstinacy; कर्मण्यवग्र- हधियो भगवन्विदामः [Bhāg.4.7.27.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवग्रह  m.  (-हः)
   1. taking, acceptance.
   2. taking off or away, seizure.
   3. disrespect.
   4. drought.
   5. obstacle, impediment.
   6. An elephant's forehead.
   7. A herd of elephants.
   8. nature, original tempera- ment.
   9. A sort of knowledge, a false idea.
   10. An imprecation or term of abuse.
   E. अव before, ग्रह to take or seize, अप् affix: also अवग्राह.

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