Shining, refulgent, or radiant with; conspicuous, distinguished, or eminent for; rich, strong, or abounding in. Only in comp. and thus copiously and elegantly. Ex. अभिमानशाली or मानशाली Nobleminded, highminded, magnanimous, loftyspirited; ऊर्मिशाली & तरंगशाली Glowing or abounding with waves;--epithet of the ocean; औदार्यशाली Generous, liberal, munificent; करुणाशाली Compassionate, pitiful, merciful; गंधशाली Richscented; highly fragrant or odoriferous;--epithet of the wind or air; ज्वाला- शाली Blazing or highflaming;--epithet of fire; कृपा-कौशल्य-गुण-तप-दान-दैव-धर्म-पराक्रम-पल्लव-पुण्य -पुष्प-बल-भाग्य-भोग-विद्या-वीर्य-वैराग्य-शौर्य-ज्ञान -शाली.