Dictionaries | References


   { śambūkḥ, śambūka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚAMBŪKA   A Śūdra muni. during the reign of Śrī Rāma a great number of children died in the country and many parents wept before the king about the loss of their offsprings. according to Vasiṣṭha's advice Rāma enquired whether anybody indulged in actions not proper to his station in life. Śrī Rāma surveyed the country from the air in a Vimāna, and during the survey he found Śambūka, the śūdra muni hanging with his head down and inhaling smoke from a fire lit under him. thus, having found out that the tapas by that śūdra was the reason for the children's death, Rāma killed Śambūka immediately. [Kamba Rāmāyaṇa, Uttarakāṇḍa] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शम्बूक  f. m. a bivalve shell, any shell or conch, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Suśr.] (also f(). , [L.] )
   a snail, [W.]
घोङ्घ   a kind of animal (= ), [L.]
   the edge of the frontal protuberance of an elephant, [L.]
शम्बुक   also title or epithet).">N. of a शूद्र (who had become a devotee and was slain by राम-चन्द्र), [R.] ; [Uttarar.] (cf.)
   of a दैत्य, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शम्बूकः [śambūkḥ]   [शम्ब्-ऊकः [Uṇ.4.43] ]
   A bivalve shell (शम्बूका also in this sense).
   A small conch-shell.
   A snail.
   The edge of the frontal protuberance of an elephant.
  N. N. of a Śūdra (who practised penance though forbidden to his caste and was in consequence slain by Rāma; see inter alia U.2 and [R.15] ).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शम्बूक  mf.  (-कः-का) A bivalve-shell.
  m.  (-कः)
   1. A conch-shell.
   2. A snail.
   3. A Sūdra, who had become a devotee in the time of RĀMACHANDRA, and was slain by him.
   4. The edge of the frontal protuberance of the elephant.
   5. The name of a Daitya.
   E. शम् to be tranquil, ऊकन् aff. and वुक् augment; also with the vowel short, शम्बुक, and the final consonant then rejected, शम्बु; it is also read, शम्बुक्क and with the first vowel long, शाम्बूक, &c.

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