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   { ramyaka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
RAMYAKA I   A son of Agnīdhra, who had nine sons by his wife Pūrvacittī. [Bhāgavata, 5th Skandha] . Ramyaka ruled the kingdom called Ramyaka Varṣa near Nīlagiri. arjuna, during his triumphal tour conquered Ramyaka and levied taxes from the people there [Sabhā Parva, Chapter 28] .
RAMYAKA II   A particular region in Ilāvṛta, one of the seven Continents. On the eastern part of Ilāvṛta there exist three mountains called Nīlagiri, Śvetagiri and Sṛṅgavān. these mountains jut into the sea, and are separated from one another by a distance of two thousand miles each and are the source of many rivers. In between the three mountains are three regions of land called Ramyaka, Hiraṇmaya and kuru. [Devī Bhāgavata, 8th Skandha] .


रम्यक n.  (स्वा. प्रिय.) ‘रम्यककर्ष’ नामक देश का राजा, जो भागवत के अनुसार, आग्नीध्र राजा का पुत्र थाइसकी माता का नाम ‘पूर्णवित्ति’ एवं पत्नी का नामरम्याथा


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रम्यक  m. m.Melia Sempervirens, [Bhpr.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a son of आग्नीध्र, [BhP.]
रम्यक  f. n. (in सांख्य) one of the 8 perfections or सिद्धिs, [Tattvas.] ; [Sāṃkhyak.] Sch. (also f(). scil.सिद्धि)
रम्यक  n. n. the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca, [Suśr.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a वर्ष called after रम्यक, [Pur.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रम्यक  n.  (-कं)
   1. one of the minor Dwīpas or divisions of the world, lying to the north of Ilāvṛta; also रमणक, and रमण्यक.
   2. The root of the Paṭola.
   E. रम्य agreeable, कन् added.

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