Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari
See also:  बुटलीभट


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   buṭalī f A small metal vessel. it resembles the common लोटा. Pr. दीढ बु0 उरीं फुटली used where a person makes great outcry after slight endurance or exertion. 2 A common term for the two members of a draw-well upon which rests and revolves the axle of the wheel; also for the somewhat similar members of a राहट for drawing cotton threads.


   धातूचें लहान भांडें ; तपेली .
   मोटेच्या चाकाचा आस किंवा चरख्याची सळई ज्या दोन खुंटयांवर ठेवितात त्यांपैकीं प्रत्येक . [ का . बटलु = वाटी ] म्ह० दीढ बुटली उरीं फुटली .
०भट  पु. ( व . ) बटु ; ब्रह्मचारी .


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