प्र a.-√
2.हाĀ. ,
-जिहीते, to drive off, haste away,
[RV.] ;
to spring up,
[ŚBr.] प्र b.-√
3.हाP. -जहाति, (3.
pl. pr. irreg.
[MBh.] ;
fut. 3.
du. Ā. -हास्येते,
[R.] ),
to leave,
[ŚBr.] &c. &c.;
to desert, quit, abandon, give up, renounce, violate (a duty), break (a promise),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.;
to send off, throw, hurl,
[Bhaṭṭ.] ;
(incorrectly for
Pass. ) to cease, disappear,
[MBh.] :
Pass. -हीयते, to be relinquished or neglected, be lost, fail, cease, perish,
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] ;
to be vanquished, succumb,
[MBh.] :
Caus. -हापयति, to drive away, remove, destroy,
[BhP.] प्र-हा f. cf. a good throw at dice, any gain or advantage,
[RV.] ;
[AV.] ;
[TāṇḍBr.] (=
[Sāy.] )