Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   . Ex. मी गांवास संध्या- काळीं पावलों; हा वृद्धत्व पावल्यामुळें बधिरत्व पावला. 3 To receive, obtain, get. 4 In. con. To come to hand; to be received by. Ex. मागील कर्जापैकीं काय तुला पावलें तें सांग. 5 To be attained and enjoyed by; to be found by;--used of the deity or his favor by a worshiper or a creature. 6 To come home to; to reach as pertaining or appropriate to. Ex. ही गोष्ट मला पावली this matter or business is mine. 7 To find occasion or room for; to find liberty or scope for; to be able. Ex. तुला दोन काठ्या रगडून लावल्या म्हणजे तू हासूं पावणार नाहींस. In this sense, To be able, पावणें is more idiomatic than शकणें.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 v ti   To convey to. To reach or attain. To receive. To be received by.
   To be found by;-used of the deity. To come home to.

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