चूडा [cūḍā] 1 The hair on the top of the head, a single lock on the crown of the head (left after the ceremony of tonsure);
[R.18.51;] [U.5.36;5.3;4.2.] The ceremony of tonsure.
The crest of a cock or peacock;
[Pt.2.73.] Any crest, plume or diadem.
The head.
Top, summit.
A room on the top of a house.
A well.
An ornament (like a bracelet worn on the wrist). -Comp.
-करणम्, -कर्मन् n. n. the ceremony of tonsure;
[Ms.2.35.] -पाशः a mass of hair; चूडापाशे नवकुरबकम्
[Me.65.] मणिः, रत्नम् a jewel worn on the top of the head, a crest-jewel (fig. also).
best, excellent (usually at the end of comp.).
-लक्षणम् tonsure.