Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चूडा—मणि  m. m. a jewel worn by men and women on the top of the head, vii, 826">[MBh. i, 4628; vii, 826] ; [R.] &c.
   ifc. the (gem, i.e. the) best or most excellent of [Kathās. cxxiii, 235] ; [Dhūrtas. i, 3] ; [Vop.]
   the seed of Abrus precatorius, [L.]
   a metre of 4 x 7 syllables
   an eclipse of the sun on a sunday or an eclipse of the moon on a monday, [Hcat. i, 3] ; [GarP.]
   a particular way of foretelling the future, [ccv]
   N. of wk. on astron.
   of another on music
   of a क्षत्रिय, iii, 9, 01">[Hit. iii, 9, 01]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चूडामणि  m.  (-णिः)
   1. A jewel worn in a crest or a diadem.
   2. The Gunja, (Abrus precatorius.)
   E. चूडा a crest, and मणि a jewel.

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