गव्य 1.Nom. P. °व्यति, to desire cattle or cows, xxi, 2">[Vop. xxi, 2] ; see गव्य॑त्. गव्य mfn. 2.mfn. (or less common गव्य॑, [RV.] six times, [TS. v] ; [ŚBr. xiii] ) (39; 4-3, 160">[Pāṇ. 5-1, 2 and 39; 4-3, 160] ) consisting of cattle or cows, coming from or belonging to a cow (as milk, curds, &c.; cf. पञ्चग्°), [RV.] ; [VS.] &c. proper or fit for cattle, [L.] sacred to the cow, worshipping the cow, [Pāṇ. 4-1, 85] , Vārtt. 9, [Pat.] गव्य m. m. pl. N. of a people (living to the north of मध्य-देश), [VarBṛS.] गव्य fn. fn. a bow-string, [L.] गव्य-दृढ = , [L.] गव्य n. n. cattle, cow-herd, 13; v, 34, 8; vii, 18, 7">---13--- (गव्य॑); ix, 62, 23 pasture land, iv, 27, 9">[AitBr. iv, 27, 9] ; 17, 4">[Lāṭy. x, 17, 4] cow-milk, vii, 72.">[Kum. vii, 72.] गव्य a &c., see, ib.