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   { kuṇḍḥ, kuṇḍa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KUṆḌA   A very erudite Brahmarṣi. he was present at the serpent yajña of Janamejaya. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 53, Verse 8] .


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   see : कुंड


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 noun  सानो जलाशय   Ex. यो तातो पानीको कुण्ड हो
भौतिक स्थान (Physical Place)स्थान (Place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुण्ड  m. n. [अस्m., [L.] ], a bowl-shaped vessel, basin, bowl, pitcher, pot, water-pot, KātyŚr.; [MBh.] &c.
   a vessel for coals, 10, 16 &c.">[R. v, 10, 16 &c.]
अग्नि-कुण्ड   a round hole in the ground (for receiving and preserving water or fire cf.), pit, well, spring or basin of water (especially consecrated to some holy purpose or person), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
अग्नि कुण्ड
   crippled, lame, [Mahāvy.]
कुण्ड  m. m. an adulterine, son of a woman by another man than her husband while the husband is alive, iii, 174">[Mn. iii, 174]
गोल   (see and -गोलक below)
   epithet).">N. of शिव, xii, 10358">[MBh. xii, 10358]
   of a नाग, [MBh. i, 4828]
   of a son of धृत-राष्ट्र, [MBh. i, 4550]
कुण्ड  n. n.ifc. a clump (e.g.दर्भ-क्°, a clump of दर्भ grass), ---10---
   a particular measure, [L.]
   epithet).">N. of certain mystical figures
   a particular appearance of the moon (surrounded by a circle), iv, 15.">[VarBṛS. iv, 15.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुण्डः [kuṇḍḥ] डी [ḍī] डम् [ḍam]   डी डम् [cf. [Uṇ.1.112] ]
   A bowl-shaped vessel, a basin, bowl.
   A round hole in the ground for receiving and preserving water. बलं नागसहस्रस्य यस्मि- न्कुण्डे प्रतिष्ठितम् [Mb.1.128.68.]
   A hole in general; अग्निकुण्डम्.
   A pool, well; especially one consecrated to some deity or holy purpose.
   The bowl of a mendicant.
   A water-jar (कमण्डलु).
-डः (-डा  f. f.) A son born in adultery, the son of a woman by a man other than her husband while the husband is alive; पत्यौ जीवति कुण्डः स्यात् [Ms.3.174;] [Y.1.22.]
-ण्डा   An epithet of Durgā. -Comp.
-आशिन्  m. m. a pander, pimp, one who depends for his livelihood on a कुण्ड i. e. a bastard, or adulterine; अमृते जारजः कुण्डो मृते भर्तरि गोलकः । यस्तयो- रन्नमश्नाति स कुण्डाशीति कथ्यते ॥ Deval Smṛiti; [Ms.3.158;] [Y.1.224.]
-ऊधस् (कुण्डोध्नी   P.V.4.131)
   ऊधसोऽनङ् a cow with a full udder भुवं कोष्णेन कुण्डोध्नी; [R.1.84.]
   a woman with a full bosom.
   कीटः a keeper of concubines.
   a follower of the Chārvāka doctrine, an atheist.
   a Brāhmaṇa born in adultery.
-कीलः   a low or vile man.
   गोलम्, गोलकम् gruel.
   a group of कुण्ड and गोलक (taken together); cf. परदारेषु जायेते द्वौ पुत्रौ कुण्डगोलकौ । पत्यौ जीवति कुण्डः स्यात् मृते भर्तरि गोलकः[Ms.3.174.]
   धारः N. of a cloud; [Mb.12.271.2.]
  N. N. of a Nāga; [Mb.2.9.9.]
-पाय्यः (कुण्डेन पीयते अत्र क्रतौ) क्रतौ कुण्डपाय्यस- ञ्चाय्यौ   P.iii.1.13; a sacrifice; कुण्डपाय्यवतां कच्चिदग्नि- चित्यावतां तथा ---10---
-भेदिन् a.  a. clumsy.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुण्ड  m.  (-ण्डः) A son born in adultery, the son of a woman by another man than her husband, while the husband is alive.
  n.  (-ण्डं)
   1. A hole in the ground for receiving and preserving consecrated fire. 2. A pool, a well, a spring of basin of water, especially consecrated to some holy purpose or person.
   3. A measure.
  mf.  (-ण्डः-ण्डी) A [Page187-b+ 60] pitcher.
  f.  (-ण्डी) A student's water-pot, made of a hollow cocoanut, &c.
   E. कुडि to preserve, aff.

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