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   { bhāvin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भाविन्  mfn. mfn. becoming, being, existing, wont to be (often end of a compound.*">ifc.), [RPrāt.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Ragh.]
भू   about to be, future, imminent, predestined, inevitable (often used as fut. tense of √ ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
अ-भ्°   as one ought to be, good, able, capable (in ), [Hariv.]
   (end of a compound.*">ifc.) being possessed of [MBh.]
हरि-भ्°   attached to (e.g.), [Vop.]
हरि भ्°
   manifesting, showing, [Mallin.]
लोक-भ्°   furthering, blessing, [Hcat.] (cf.)
लोक भ्°
   worshipping, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.
   beautiful, illustrious, [MW.]
भाविन्  m. m.N. of every vowel except and (prob. as ‘liable to become the corresponding semivowel’), [VPrāt.]
   N. of the शूद्रs in प्लक्ष-द्वीप, [VP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भाविन् [bhāvin]   [भू-भविष्यति णिनि]
   being, becoming; मृत्यभावि [R.11.49.]
   To be or to come to pass in future, what will take place; लोकेन भावी पितुरेव तुल्यः [R.18.38;] प्रस्थानं ते कथमपि सखे लम्बमानस्य भावि [Me.43.]
   future; समतीतं च भवच्च भावि[R.8.78;] प्रत्यक्षा इव यद्भावाः क्रियन्ते भूतभाविनः [K. P.1;] [N.3.11.]
   capable of taking place.
   what must take place or is destined to happen, predestined; यदभावि न तद्भावि भावि चेन्न तदन्यथा [H.1.]
   noble, beautiful, illustrious.
   attached or devoted to; खाद्वै निवर्तन्ति न भाविनस्ते [Mb.12.22.2.]
   possessed of (at the end of comp.). -m. N. given to every vowel except अ and आ.
   नी A handsome woman; [Mb.1.6.9.]
   A noble or virtuous lady; अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्गसारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि [Ku.5.38.]
   A wanton woman.
   A particular musical composition.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भाविन्  mfn.  (-वी-विनी-वि) future, what will be or what is about to be, proximately future.
  f.  (-नी) A wanton woman.
   E. भू to be, Unādi aff. णिनि .
भू णिनि .


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