अरि [ari] a. a. [ऋ-इन्] Moving, going, reaching; obtaining, aspiring, devoted to, zealous (Ved.). रिः An enemy, foe (cf. [Uṇ.4.138] ); (used in the Veda like an adjective in the sense of 'ungenerous', 'malicious', 'not worshipping or devoted', 'hostile'); विजितारिपुरःसरः [R.1.59,61;] 4.4. An enemy of mankind (said of the six feelings which disturb man's mind); कामः क्रोध- स्तथा लोभो मदमोहौ च मत्सरः; कृतारिषड्वर्गजयेन [Ki.1.9.] A species of खदिर or Mimosa (विट्खदिर; Mar. शेण्या खैर). N. N. of the number six (from the six enemies). N. N. of a condition in astronomy. Any part of a carriage. A wheel, also a disk, अन्योऽन्यहस्तकलितैः कति मूर्तिभेदाः, शम्भोर्हरेरिव गदारिसरोजशङ्खैः [Līlā.] A lord, master. The wind. A pious or religious man. -Comp. -कर्षण a. a. tamer or subduer of enemies. कुलम् a host of enemies. an enemy, -केलिः Sport of a foe, sexual enjoyment cf. अरिकेलिः शत्रुलीला स्त्रीरत्योश्चापि कीर्तितः [Nm.] -गूर्त a. a. Ved. ready for the destruction of enemies; praised by devoted men or worshippers.-घ्नः destroyer of enemies. -चिन्तनम्, -चिन्ता schemes directed against enemies; administration of foreign affairs. -त्र a. a. protecting from enemies. -धायस् a. a. possessed by lords only (i. e. very precious)-नन्दन a. "an enemy's joy", affording triumph to an enemy. -निपातः invasion made by enemies.-भद्रः the foremost or most powerful enemy; पप्रच्छ भद्रं विजितारिभद्रः [R.14.31.] -मर्दः 'curshing enemies, N. of a plant (काममर्द; Mar. कासविंदा). -मर्दन a. a. crushing or trampling foes, destroying enemies. -मेदः N. N. of a tree (विट्खदिर; Mar. शेण्या खरै); N. of a country; [Bṛi. S. 14.2.] -मेदकः N. N. of an insect bred in excrement.-स्थानकम् consternation, defeat. -सूदनः, -हन्, -हिंसकः destroyer of enemies; पूजार्हावरिसूदन [Bg.2.4.] हरिहयोऽरिह- योगविचक्षणः [R.9.18.]