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   { harṣaṇa }
Script: Devanagari


हर्षण n.  विश्र्वरूप नामक असुरपुरोहित का पुत्र, जिसकी माता का नाम विष्टि थायमधर्म की उपासना कर इसने अपने मातापितरों का दुष्टरूप नष्ट किया [ब्रह्म.१६५]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   harṣaṇa n S rejoicing, delighting, making glad. 2 m The fourteenth of the astronomical Yogas. 5 n m A morbid affection of the eyes.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हर्षण  mfn. mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect, thrilling with joy or desire, gladdening, delightful, pleasant, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.
हर्षण  m. m. ‘gladdener’, also title or epithet).">N. of one of the five arrows of काम-देव, [Bcar.]
   of a man, [VP.] ([L.] also, ‘a partic. disease of the eyes’; ‘a partic.श्राद्ध’; ‘a deity presiding over श्राद्धs’; ‘the 14th of the astron.योग.’)
हर्षण  n. n. bristling, erection, [Suśr.]
   erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, ib.
   the act of delighting, delight, joy, happiness, [MBh.] ; [R.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हर्षण [harṣaṇa] a.  a. (-णा or
-णी  f. f.) [हृष्-णिच् ल्यु]
   Causing delight, gladdening, delightful, pleasant.
   Causing the hair of the body to stand erect; संवादमिममश्रौषमद्भुतं रोमहर्षणम् [Bg.18.74.]
   णः N. of one of the five arrows of Kāmadeva.
   A morbid affection of the eyes.
   A deity presiding over the funeral ceremonies.
   A funeral and other rites; L. D. B.
   one of the 27 yogas (Astr.); L. D. B.
   णम् joy, delight, happiness, gladdening, delighting; दुर्हृदामप्रहर्षाय सुहृदां हर्षणाय च [Mb.]
   raising the spirit (of an army); खातकव्यूहतत्त्वज्ञं बल- हर्षणकोविदम् [Mb.12.118.11.]
   erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हर्षण  mfn.  (-णः-णा or -णी-णं) Causing delight, delighting, delightful, pleasurable, pleasant, &c.
  m.  (-णः)
   1. A cause of pleasure, any thing which confers pleasure.
   2. The fourteenth of the astrono- mical Yogas.
   3. A morbid affection of the eyes.
   4. A deity presi- ding over Śrāddhas.
   5. A kind of Śrāddha.
   6. An epithet of one of the five arrows of KĀMADEVA.
  n.  (-णं)
   1. pleasing, making happy.
   2. rejoicing, being happy.
   E. हृंष् to be pleased, aff. ल्युट् or युच् .
हृंष् ल्युट् युच् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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