Dictionaries | References


   { संतॄ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सं   a.-√ 1.गॄP.Ā.-गृणाति, -गृणीते &c., to agree together, assent, promise, [RV.] ; [AV.] ;
(P.) to praise, celebrate, [BhP.] ;
(Ā.-गिरते), to recognize, acknowledge, aver, assert, [Sarvad.] ; [TPrāt.] Sch.;
to assent, agree with (Dat.), [Daś.] ;
to praise unanimously (acc.), [Bhaṭṭ.] ;
to promise or vow (to one's self), [Daś.] ;
to agree in calling or naming (two acc.), [Śrutab.]
सं   b.-√ 2.गॄP.-गिरति, (once -गृणाति), to swallow up, devour, [AV.] (cf.52 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 1-3, 52] Sch.)
सं-√ तॄ   P.-तरति (Ved. also -तिरति; rarely Ā.),
to cross or traverse together, pass through (acc.), [RV.] &c. &c.;
to escape or be rescued from (abl.), [MBh.] ; [Rājat.] ;
to bring safely over, rescue, save, [MBh.] :
Caus.-तारयति (pass.-तार्यते), to cause to pass over, save or preserve from (abl.), [Mn.] ; [MBh. &c.]
सं तॄ


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   संगॄ [saṅg]ॄ, 9 U., 6 Ā.
   To promise, make a vow (Ātm.); राज्ञे समगिरेताम् Dk.; वसूनि देशांश्च निवर्तयिष्यन् रामं नृपः संगिरमाण एव [Bk.3.8.]
   To recognise, acknowledge.
   To agree in calling.
   To swallow, devour.
   To praise unanimously.
   संतॄ [sant]ॄ, 1 [P.]
   To cross over, traverse, travel over.
   To swim, float.
   To get over, overcome, surmount, go to the end of.
   To reach, attain to.
   To escape from, be saved.

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