श्येन m. m. a hawk, falcon, eagle, any bird of prey (
esp. the eagle that brings down
सोम to man),
[RV.] &c. &c.
firewood laid in the shape of an eagle,
[Śulbas.] a kind of array (in battle),
[MBh.] ;
[Kām.] a
partic. part of the sacrificial victim,
[Kauś.] a
partic. एकाह,
[ṢaḍvBr.] ;
KātyŚr.a horse,
[L.] N. of a
ऋषि (having the
patr. आग्नेय and author of
[RV. x, 188] ),
[Anukr.] इन्द्रश्य (with or without )
N. of a
[ĀrṣBr.] ;
[Lāṭy.] श्येन mfn. mfn. eagle-like,
[AitBr.] श्यैन coming from an eagle (as ‘eagle's flesh’),
[Kṛṣṇaj.] (
prob. w.r. for ).