सोम m. 1.m. (fr. √ 3.सु) juice, extract, (esp. ) the juice of the सोम plant, (also) the सोम plant itself (said to be the climbing plant Sarcostema Viminalis or Asclepias Acida, the stalks [अंशु] of which were pressed between stones [अद्रि] by the priests, then sprinkled with water, and purified in a strainer [पवित्र]; whence the acid juice trinkled into jars [कलश] or larger vessels [द्रोण]; after which it was mixed with clarified butter, flour &c., made to ferment, and then offered in libations to the gods [in this respect corresponding with the ritual of the Iranian Avesta] or was drunk by the Brāhmans, by both of whom its exhilarating effect was supposed to be prized; it was collected by moonlight on certain mountains [in, [RV. x, 34, 1] , the mountain मूज-वत् is mentioned]; it is sometimes described as having been brought from the sky by a falcon [श्येन] and guarded by the गन्धर्वs; it is personified as one of the most important of Vedic gods, to whose praise all the 114 hymns of the 9th book of the [RV.] besides 6 in other books and the whole, [SV.] are dedicated; in post-Vedic mythology and even in a few of the latest hymns of the [RV.] [although not in the whole of the 9th book] as well as sometimes in the [AV.] and in the [Br.] , सोम is identified with the moon [as the receptacle of the other beverage of the gods called अमृत, or as the lord of plants cf. इन्दु, ओषधि-पति] and with the god of the moon, as well as with विष्णु, शिव, यम, and कुबेर; he is called राजन्, and appears among the 8 वसुs and the 8 लोक-पालs [[Mn. v, 96] ], and is the reputed author of [RV. x, 124, 1, 5-9] , of a law-book &c.; cf. below), [RV.] &c. &c. the moon or moon-god (See above) a सोम sacrifice, [AitĀr.] a day destined for extracting the सोम-juice, [ĀśvŚr.] सोम-वार Monday (= ), [Inscr.] nectar, [L.] camphor, [L.] air, wind, [L.] water, [L.] a drug of supposed magical properties, [W.] a partic. mountain or mountainous range (accord. to some the mountains of the moon), ib. सोम-पा a partic. class of पितृs (prob. for ), ib. पण्डित N. of various authors (also with , भट्ट, शर्मन् &c.; cf. above), [Cat.] सोमचन्द्र = , or सोमे-न्दु, [HPariś.] N. of a monkey-chief, [L.] सोम n. n. rice-water, rice-gruel, [L.] heaven, sky, ether, [L.] सोम mfn. mfn. relating to सोम (prob. w.r. for सौम), [Kāṭh.] सोम mfn. 2.mfn. (prob. ) together with उमा, [IndSt.]