Dictionaries | References


   { śiśuḥ, śiśu }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚIŚU   A son born to the Saptamātṛs due to the blessing of Subrahmaṇya. The eyes of the child were blood-red. it was called Vīrāṣṭaka as well. [Vana Parva, Chapter 228, Verse 11] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


शिशु n.  (सो. वसु.) एक राजा, जो विष्णु के अनुसार सारण राजा का पुत्र था [विष्णु. ४.१५.२१]
शिशु (आंगिरस) n.  एक वैदिक सूक्तद्रष्टा एवं सामद्रष्टा [ऋ. ९.११२] ;[पं. ब्रा. १३.३.२४]
शिशु II. n.  सप्तमातृकाओं के पुत्रों का सामूहिक नाम, जोवीराष्टकनाम से भी सुविख्यात थे ।


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   śiśu m S A young one of man or an animal in general; a child, a calf, a pup, a cub, a whelp. applied in poetry also to the young one of a fish. Ex. असो मच्छशिशूनें उगळून ॥ आणून ठेविला पूर्वस्थळीं ॥.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A child. A calf; a pup.


  पु. बालक ; लहान मूल ; लेंकरूं . रडे शिशु तयास घे कळवळोनि माता कडे - केका १२१ . २ प्राण्याचा लहान बच्चा ; पिलूं . असो मच्छशिशूनें उगळून । आणून ठेविला पूर्वस्थळीं । [ सं . ]
०वर्ग  पु. १ बालवर्ग ; तुकडी ; बिगरयत्ता . २ लहान मुलें , बालकें वगैरे . शिश्वी - स्त्री . मनुष्याचें अथवा प्राण्याचें स्त्रीजातीय बालक ; पिलूं .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शिशु  m. m. (fr.1.शू = श्वि) a child, infant, the young of any animal (as a calf, puppy &c.; also applied to young plants, and to the recently risen sun; often ifc.), [RV.] &c. &c.
   a boy under eight years of age, [W.]
   a lad under sixteen, ib.
   a pupil, scholar, ib.
कुमार   also title or epithet).">N. of स्कन्द, [MBh.] ; [R.] (cf.)
   of a descendant of अङ्गिरस् (author of ix, 112">[RV. ix, 112] ), [Anukr.]
   of a son of सारण, [VP.]
   of a king, [Buddh.]
शिश्न   accord. to some also = , ‘membrum virile
शिशु  mfn. mfn. young, infantine, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शिशुः [śiśuḥ]   [शो-कु सन्वद्भावः द्वित्वम् cf. [Uṇ.1.2] ]
   A child, an infant; शिशुर्वा शिष्या वा [U.4.11.]
   The young of any animal (as a calf, puppy, fawn &c.); नष्टाशङ्का हरिणशिशवो मन्दमन्दं चरन्ति [Ś.1.15;7.14,18.]
   A boy under eight or sixteen years of age.
   A pupil, scholar.
   An elephant in the sixth year; [Mātaṅga L.5.8.] -Comp.
-कृच्छ्रम्   a form of penance.
-क्रन्दः, क्रन्दनम्   the cry or weeping of a child.
-क्रन्दीयः   (i. e. ग्रन्थः) a work treating of the complaints of children; [P.IV. 3.88.]
-गन्धा   a kind of jasmine (double jasmine).-चान्द्रायणम् a lunar penance of children; चतुरः प्रातरश्नीयात् पिण्डान् विप्रः समाहितः । चतुरोऽस्तमिते सूर्ये शिशुचान्द्रा- यणं स्मृतम्[Ms.11.219.]
   नागः a young elephant.
   a young snake.
-नामन्  m. m. a camel.
-पालः  N. N. of of a king of the Chedis and son of Damaghoṣa. [According to the Viṣṇu Purāṇa this monarch was, in a previous existence, the unrighteous Hiraṇyakaśipu, king of the Asuras who was killed by Viṣṇu in the form of Narasiṁha. he was next born as the ten-headed Rāvaṇa who was killed by Rāma. then he was born as the son of Damaghoṣa, and continued his enmity to Kṛiṣṇa, the eighth incarnation of Viṣṇu, with even greater implacability; see [Śi.1.] he denounced Kṛiṣṇa when they met at the Rājasūya sacrifice of Yudhiṣṭhira, but his head was cut off by Kṛiṣṇa with his discus. his death forms the subject of a celebrated poem by Māgha.] ˚हन् m. an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
-प्रियः   treacle. (-यम्) the white water-lily.
   मारः the Gangetic porpoise.
   a collection of stars held to be a form of Viṣṇu. ˚शिरस् n. the north-east quarter; शिशुमार- शिरः प्राप्य न्यविशंस्ते स्म पार्थिवाः [Mb.1.185.16.]
-वाहकः, -वाह्यकः   a wild goat.
-हत्या   child-murder, infanticide.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शिशु  m.  (-शुः)
   1. The young of man or any animal, a child, a calf, &c.
   2. A pupil, a scholar.
   3. A boy under eight years of age. 4. A lad or boy not more than sixteen.
   E. शो to destroy, Unādi aff. उ, and the root repeated,
   with substituted for the semivowel to which the radical vowel is changed in its inflections.

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