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   { śivapūjā (śiva worship) }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚIVAPŪJĀ (ŚIVA worship)   there are certain injunctions with regard to the worship of Śiva. Nandikeśa and Mahākāla are to be worshipped first. then should Gaṅgā, Yamunā, the gaṇas, Vāstupuruṣa, Śakti, and Dharma be worshipped. next, the navaśaktis (nine powers) i.e. Vāmā, Jyeṣṭhā, Raudrī, Kālī, Kalavikariṇī (Kalavikalinī) Balavikariṇī (Balavikalinī) Balapramathinī, Sarvabhūtadamanī and Manonmanī should be worshipped. then chanting the mantra ‘Hām, hūm, hām Śivamūrtaye’ Śiva is to be worshipped. Śiva is to be worshipped with aṅgas [with limbs, touching certain portions of the body] and with Vaktra (mouth, chanting). Aṅgas are to be worshipped with the chanting, haum Śivāya haum’ Vaktra with the chanting ‘Hām Īśānāya’. Gaurī should be worshipped with the bīja ‘Hrīm’, Gaṇapati with ‘Gam’ and Dikpālas like indra, his arrows and Caṇḍeśvara should be worshipped by touching the heart etc. of the worshipper. (agni Purāna, chapter 21).


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शिव—पूजा  f. f.id.

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