विमर्दः [vimardḥ] 1 Pounding, crushing, bruising.
Rubbing together, trituration (as of perfumes), friction; विमर्दसुरभिर्बकुलावलिका खल्वहम्
[M.3;] [R.5.65;] कस्तूरिका मृगविमर्दसुगन्धिरेति
[Śi.4.61;11.28.] Pressing together (as in embrace).
Spoiling, marring; कुतूहलविमर्द- कारिणा परिश्रमेण
[Mk.1.] Touch, contact.
Rubbing the person with saffron or other unguents.
War, battle, fight, encounter; विमर्दक्षमां भूमिमवतरावः
[U.5;3.44.] Destruction, devastation; पुरा जनस्थानविमर्दशङ्की संधाय लङ्काधिपतिः प्रतस्थे
[R.6.62.] Conjunction of the sun and the moon.
An eclipse.
Weariness, tediousness.-Comp.
-अर्घम् the time from the apparent conjunction to the end of an eclipse.