Dictionaries | References


   { viśrambhḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-श्रम्भ  f. m. (ifc.f(). ) slackening, loosening, relaxation (of the organs of utterance), cessation, [RPrāt.]
वि श्रम्भ
   trust, confidence in (loc.gen., or comp.)
°भात्  n. absence of restraint, familiarity, intimacy, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (ibc. or ind., °भेणind. ‘confidingly, confidentially’; °भंकृ with gen., ‘to win the confidence of’; कस्मै°भं कथयामि, ‘in whom shall I trust?’)
   a playful or amorous quarrel, [L.]
   killing (?), [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विश्रम्भः [viśrambhḥ]   1 trust, confidence, familiar confidence, perfect intimacy or familiarity; विश्रम्भादुरसि निपत्य लब्ध- निद्राम् [U.1.49;] [Māl.3.1.]
   A confidential matter, secret; विश्रम्भेष्वभ्यन्तरीकरणीया [K.]
   rest, relaxation.
   An affectionate inquiry.
   A love-quarrel, an amorous dispute.
   killing. -Comp.
-आलापः, -कथा, -भाषणम्   confidential or familiar conversation.
-पात्रम्, -भूमिः, -स्थानम्   an object of confidence, a confidant, trusty person.
-प्रवण a.  a. trustful; विश्रम्भप्रवूणः पुरा मम पिता नीतः कथाशेषताम् [Mu.5.21.]
-भृत्यः   confidential servant.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विश्रम्भ  m.  (-म्भः)
   1. trust, confidence.
   2. affection, affectionate inquiry. 3. festive or sportive noise or tumult, amorous quarrel.
   4. rest, repose.
   5. killing.
   E. वि before श्रम्भ् to trust, aff. घञ्, and the initial optionally changed; also विस्रम्भ .

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