यत्न m. am. activity of will, volition, aspiring after, [Kaṇ.] ; [Bhāṣāp.] performance, work, [Bhar.] यत्नं (also pl. ) effort, exertion, energy, zeal, trouble, pains, care, endeavour after (loc. or comp. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. ( with √ कृ, आ-√ स्था, समा-√ स्था, आ-√ धा and loc. or inf. , ‘to make an effort or attempt’, ‘take trouble or pains for’; यत्नेन or °त्नैस्, ‘with effort’, ‘carefully’, ‘eagerly’, ‘strenuously’ [also यत्नibc. ]; यत्नेना-पि, ‘in spite of every effort’; यत्नैर् विना, ‘without eff° ’; यत्नात्, with or notwithstanding eff° ; महतो यत्नात् ‘, with great eff° ’, ‘very carefully’) a special or express remark or statement, [ĀpŚr.] Sch. यत्न bयत्य See p.841, cols. 1 and 2.