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   { māyādhara }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
MĀYĀDHARA   An asura. indra got down Purūravas to fight against this demon who was always giving trouble to the devas. Purūravas killed Māyādhara in a battle. The day the demon was killed indra gave a banquet in honour of Purūravas. after the banquet there was a dance performance by Rambhā and as she was dancing before Ācārya Tumburu, Purūravas openly criticised Rambhā for the mistake in dancing she committed then. Tumburu did not relish it and he cursed Purūravas saying that Purūravas would bear a separation from his wife Urvaśī. it was because of this curse that Urvaśī was once carried away from the palace of Purūravas by the Gandharvas. [Kathāsaritsāgara, Taraṅga 3, Lāvāṇakalambaka] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
माया—धर  mfn. mfn. possessing illusion, skilled in magic, [R.]
माया—धर  m. m.N. of a king of the असुरs, [Kathās.]

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