Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   To set up; to set on foot or a going; to exhibit, display &c.; as कज्जा मांडला, द्वेष मांडला, सोदेगिरी मांडली, डौल मांडला, घोळ मांडला, फजिती मांडली: corresponding, although with the government and power of a transitive verb, with To take or turn to; to enter vehemently and licentiously upon; as त्यानें गालीप्रदान मांडलें, लत्ताप्रहार मांडला, ढंग मांडले, चेष्टा मांडल्या he has taken to abusing, scolding, kicking &c. 6 used as v impers To fall into agreeable or suitable order or disposition. Ex. अंधारी रात्र आली म्हणजे चोरचें मांडतें. 7 used as vi To form in the ear, to set. Ex. बाजरीच्या कणसांत अझून दाणा मांडला नाहीं; सालीच्या केसरामध्यें अझून दूध मांडलें नाहीं.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 v t   lay out in order. establish. note down.

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