Dictionaries | References


   { bradhnḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ब्रध्न  mfn. mfn. (of doubtful origin, iii, 5">[Uṇ. iii, 5] ) pale red, ruddy, yellowish, bay (esp. as the colour of a horse, but also applied to सोम and the पुरोडाश), [RV.] ; [TS.]
   great, mighty, iii, 3">[Naigh. iii, 3]
ब्रध्न  m. m. the sun, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; iv, 231">[Mn. iv, 231] (cf.विष्टप्)
   the world of the sun, [TBr.] (Sch.)
   a horse, [Naigh. i, 14]
शत-ब्°   the point or some other part of an arrow (in q.v.)
शत ब्°
ब्रध्म   a partic. disease (cf. and बुध्न-रोग), [L.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a son of मनुभौत्य, ---10---
ब्रध्न  n. n. lead, [Bhpr.] (often w.r. for बुध्ण and बुध्न्य)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ब्रध्नः [bradhnḥ]   1 The sun; अथ पुत्रस्य पौत्रेण ब्रध्नस्याप्नोति विष्टपम् [Ms.9.137;4.231.]
   The root of a tree.
   A day.
   The arka plant.
   lead (m. ?).
   A horse.
   An epithet of Śiva or Brahmā.
   The point of an arrow.
  N. N. of a disease; अभ्यभिष्यन्दिगुर्वामसेवनान्नि- चयं गतः । करोति ग्रन्थिवच्छोथं दोषो वङ्क्षणसन्धिषु । ज्वरशूलाङ्गसादाद्यं तं ब्रध्नमिति निर्दिशेत् । Mādhavanidānam. -Comp.
-चक्रम्   the zodiac.
-बिम्बम्, -मण्डलम्   the disc of the sun.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ब्रध्न  m.  (-ध्नः)
   1. The root of a tree.
   2. The sun.
   3. SĪVA.
   4. BRAHMĀ. 5. A horse.
   6. The body.
   7. A day.
   8. The Arka plant.
   9. bubo, (the disease.)
   10. lead.
   E. बन्ध् to bind, aff. नक् and ब्रध substituted for the root.

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