A province or department; a branch or distinct business or subject. Ex. राज्य- कारभाराचें प्र0 निराळें सावकारीचें प्र0 निराळें. 2 A chapter, section, book; a division of a treatise or discourse. 3 A subject or topic; a head, article, item. Ex. युद्धप्रकरणीं गोष्टी करा. 4 A business, affair, matter; a case or cause. Ex. लग्नप्रकरणीं चार हजार रुपये खर्चिले; पंचाइतीचें प्र0 संपत आलें; ते प्रस्तुत कजज्याचे प्रकरणांत आहेत. 5 A body, class, party; a number united by some common tie: applied also to an individual preeminently excellent, learned, clever, wicked &c. Ex. गांवांत चार कुंटणीचीं प्रकरणें आहेत तीं मोडल्यांवर व्यभिचार बंद होईल; तुकाराम एक मोठें प्र0 होऊन गेले. 6 This word is very popularly used in the sense of Affairs, concernments, peculiar interests &c.; and with such convenient laxity as may preclude in the learner the fear of misapplication. Ex. मुसलमा- नाचें प्र0 निराळें हिंदूचें प्र0 निराळें; त्या मामलतदा- राचें प्र0 बुडालें ह्याचें प्र0 माजलें; घरीं चार भाऊ आहेत चौघांचीं चार प्रकरणें निराळीं आहेत.