धिष्ण्य mfn. mfn. mindful, attentive, benevolent, liberal (अश्विन्s), 89, 4 &c.">[RV. i, 3, 2; 89, 4 &c.] <br> devout, pious (voice, hymn), x, 114, 9<br>धिष्ण्य n. m. (f(आ). only, iv, 3, 6">[RV. iv, 3, 6] ; n., [MBh. i, 7944] ) a sort of subordinate or side-altar (generally a heap of earth covered with sand on which the fire is placed, and of which 8 are enumerated, viz. besides the आग्नीध्रीय [in the आग्नीध्र] those in the सदस् [see s.v. ] belonging to the होतृ, the मैत्रा-वरुण or प्र-शस्तृ, the ब्राह्मणाच्छंसिन्, the पोतृ, नेष्टृ and अच्छा-वाक; and the मार्जालीय), [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] &c. (cf. कॢप्त-) &c.<br>धिष्ण्य m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of उशनस्i.e. the planet venus, [L.] (cf. धिषण)<br>धिष्ण्य n. n. site, place, abode, region, house, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] &c.<br> the seat of a god i.e. a quarter of the sky, [VP.] <br> star, asterism (looking like the fire on the side altars), [Var.] <br> the orb of an asterism (on which its light seems to centre), [MBh.] ; [VP.] <br> power, strength, [L.] <br>धिष्ण्य mfn. mfn. placed upon a mound of earth serving as an altar, [AV.] ; [Br.] &c.<br>धिष्ण्य m. m. (with or scil. अग्नि) a fire so placed, [VS.] ; [TS.] &c.<br>