चित (ई) चिती r. 1st cl.
(चेतति) चितचित (ई) चिती r. 10th cl. (
चेतयति-ते) also
(इ) चिति r. 10th cl. (
चिन्तयति) To think or reflect on, to be sensible or rational, to weigh, to remember, to consider, &c.
भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् . चु-आत्म-सक- सेट् . स्मृतौ चु-उभ-सक-सेट् .चित mfn. (
1. Covered, veiled, concealed.
2. Collected, accum- ulated.
3. Piled, heaped.
f. (
1. A funeral pile.
2. A heap, an assemblage.
E. चि to collect, &c. affix
कर्मणि क्त; also
चिति and
चिती ROOTS:
चि कर्मणि क्त; चिति चिती