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   { kirātḥ, kirāta }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   one of the barbarous tribes who inhabit woods and mountains, and live by the chase. 2 A kind of gentian. see किराईत.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  one of the barbarous tribes who inhabit woods and mountains, and live by the chase.


  पु. अरण्यवासी एक जात ; भिल्ल ; ही जात शिकारीवर निर्वाह करते .' तो भेटला गुहक नामक किरात वाटें । ' - वामन भरतभाव ५० . २ किराईताची एक जात .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किरात  m. m. pl.also title or epithet).">N. of a degraded mountain-tribe (inhabiting woods and mountains and living by hunting, having become शूद्रs by their neglect of all prescribed religious rites; also regarded as म्लेच्छs; the Kirrhadae of Arrian), xxx, 16">[VS. xxx, 16] ; [TāṇḍyaBr.] ; [Mn. x, 44] ; [MBh.] &c.
किरात  m. m. a man of the किरात tribe
   a prince of the किरातs, xi, 60">[VarBṛS. xi, 60]
कुब्ज-क्°   a dwarf, [L.] (cf.)
   a groom, horseman, [L.]
किरात-तिक्त   the plant Agathotes Chirayta (also called ), [L.]
किरात तिक्त
   also title or epithet).">N. of शिव (as a mountaineer opposed to अर्जुन, described in भारवि's poem किरातार्जुनीय)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किरातः [kirātḥ]   [किरं पर्यन्तभूमिं अतति गच्छतीति किरातः]
  N. N. of a degraded mountain tribe who live by hunting, a mountaineer; वैयाकरणकिरातादपशब्दमृगाः क्व यान्तु संत्रस्ताः । यदि नटगणकचिकित्सकवैतालिकवदनकन्दरा न स्युः ॥ Subhāṣ.; [Pt.1.17;] पर्यन्ताश्रयिभिर्निजस्य सदृशं नाम्नः किरातैः कृतम् [Ratn.2.3;] [Ku.1.6,15.] जवार इति यद्राज्यं किरातानां पुरातनम् [Parṇāl 1.39.]
   A savage, barbarian.
   A dwarf.
   A groom, a horseman.
  N. N. of Śiva in the disguise of a Kirāta.
   A species of fish; किरातो लुब्धके देववाहिनीमत्स्यभेदयोः [Nm.]
  N. N. of a medicinal herb (mar. किराईत, चिराईत, भूनिंब)
-ताः   (pl.) N. of a country. -Comp.
-अर्जुनीयम्  N. N. of a poem by Bhāravi (in which the combat of arjuna with Śiva in the form of a Kirāta or mountaineer is poetically described.)-आशिन् m. an epithet of Garuḍa.
-तिक्तः  N. N. of a medicinal herb (mar. किराईत, चिराईत).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किरात  m.  (-तः)
   1. A savage, one of the barbarous tribes who inhabit woods and mountains and live by the chase, the Kirrhadœ of Arrian.
   2. siva as a mountaineer opposed to arjuna, the account of which is the subject of the poem, the Kiratarjuniya.
   3. A kind of gentian: see किराततिक्त.
   4. A pigmy a dwarf.
   5. A groom, a horseman.
  f.  (-ती)
   1. The river ganges or its goddess.
   2. A name of durga.
   3. A bawd, a procuress.
   4. The celestial ganges or river of Swarga.
   E. कॄ to scatter, (speech, &c.) and अत who goes; also किरातक.

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